About TWEF

Making A Difference, Changing the World

Empowering men, women & children!

The Texas Women’s Empowerment Foundation (TWEF) is a non-profit organization founded in May 2003. The organization is geared towards helping families from all walks of life, reach their fullest potential in the areas of business, education, finances, and socio-economic status. The focus of programming is therefore on the “whole family”, men, women, senior citizens, and youth. The Foundation works to achieve these goals by sponsoring educational programs aimed at helping families achieve and maintain a sense of empowerment and independence. 

TWEF focuses on opportunities that are culturally relevant to African American and Hispanic communities.

Statistics show that these communities account for 80 percent of job unemployment and lack job training skills due to a shortage of sustainable needed resources including strengthening critical thinking skills and opportunities to improve language training. The organization is also committed to focus much of its emphasis on outreach to support youth and has developed programs specifically targeting this “at-risk” and under-served population. The organization’s programs are open to the Houston communities and all surrounding areas; however more than 80 percent of the program is dedicated to low-to-moderate income families from disadvantaged backgrounds and under-served communities. 

For over eighteen years, TWEF has focused on expanding business networking opportunities for women and men entrepreneurs through the expansion of the TWEF Sister to Sister and the TWEF Brother to Brother Empowerment Workshops.

 These sessions were attended by more than 1200 current and aspiring business owners. Featured speakers included professional men and women who dealt with specific challenges faced by each population as they sought to start and/or expand their businesses. All events are designed to give business professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs strong business skills and the necessary tools to start, operate and excel in their area of business. TWEF has also a thriving S.T.E.M. education program which highlights the TWEF Urban Farm. The farm promotes S.T.E.M. and agriculture with positive behavioral changes that include better nutrition and teaches entrepreneurial skills to the young, participating adults.

TWEF Impact


Through TWEF workshops, seminars and back to school programs since inception.

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TWEF awards scholarships to young people for continuing education.


TWEF was inducted into the International Third World Leaders Association (ITWLA) which is comprised of 80 nations around the world empowering 3rd World Countries.


TWEF expanded global reach in 2006 with the launching of the “International Global Leadership Summit” featuring Dr. Myles Munroe, which attracted attendees from all over the world.